2017 Charity Golf Outing Raises Over $90,000
Rabine Group Foundation (RGF), a non-profit organization of the Rabine Group, held its annual golf outing at Bull Valley Golf Club on June 12, 2017. This event raised a record breaking $90,000 for causes the RGF supports.
The 2017 golf outing had its largest turnout in 9 years, with 176 golfers and over 40 sponsors. Golf course activities included an opposite hand drive, bull’s-eye shot, closest to the pin, longest putt, and a $10,000 hole-in-one.
Options and Advocacy of McHenry County was our chosen non-profit for this year’s golf outing and received $13,000 from what was raised. Options and Advocacy is a support center for children with mental disabilities and their families. A representative from Options and Advocacy spoke at our lunch presentation.
The event ended with announcing the foursome winners, raffle drawings, food and networking. A raffle drawing for $500 to an attendee’s favorite charity went to the America Cancer Society.
This event could not have happened without our volunteers and sponsors. A huge thank you goes out to those who helped make the charity golf outing an exciting and successful fundraising event. Our major sponsors were Miller Cooper, Riordan & Scully Insurance, First Midwest Bank and Brake Parts.
Rabine Group Foundation is a non-profit organization established in 2007 to contribute human and financial resources to organizations that improve the quality of life in our communities.
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